Creating the mood, introducing the right pieces of furniture, colors, fabrics and textures, really brings it all together. Decisions about what to keep and what to discard or giveaway can be difficult to make. Starting with deciding on the overall vision for the project, we work with you to arrive at the right mix of finishings, to please each person in the family.
Light + Air
Introducing light and air have long been central tenets of healthy living--bedrock of design and architecture. Energy efficient heating, cooling and ventilation systems, plus operable windows and, in some rooms, overhead fans, ensure clean air and reduce allergy and asthma events. Materials, such as paints, cabinetry and carpeting are chosen to avoid chemicals that reduce air quality. Location of windows, ceiling heights and Interior finishes and colors make the most of natural light.
The power of flowers is undeniable.
Flowers—perennials that come back year after year, and annuals that provide constant color all summer long—provide pops of color and a constantly evolving landscape. Also, you can always have herbs on hand by establishing a small raised bed, which can easily be incorporated even in small outdoor spaces.