Maximize your (small) apartment by making it efficient in every way

A great apartment presented a few design challenges: How to gain closet space without chopping up the apartment without destroying your budget?  Where to install a bathtub without costing an arm and a leg? How to lay out furniture in an apartment that had virtually no rectangular rooms?

Sustainable Homes + Yards pointed out that the air conditioning system was near the end of its useful life—inefficient and expensive to run. The cooling system also used a refrigerant now banned due to its negative environmental impact. Plus, the air handlers were taking up space that could be transformed into closet space if new, efficient air handlers were installed horizontally in the ceiling cavity above—and just like that, the owners now had a wine closet, cedar closet and china closet.

Below, photos of a closet that had previously faced the bathroom, but was "turned around" to create a space for a wine room.  On the left, insulation is blown in—floor, ceiling and walls.  On the right, the finished product.
